● Raja Petra Kamarudin
This is what Puan Hajjah Marina Yusoff wrote on 11 June 2005 in her short press statement called ‘Thank you to the people of Pasar Chow Kit’:
Yesterday, at about 9.30am, I went to Pasar Chow Kit to buy some provisions. On my way out, I slipped and fell on my face, my head bearing the full brunt of my fall. I tried to get up but could not, so I just lay flat on the cement floor completely helpless.
Though dazed, I sensed a commotion around me. Apparently, the Chinese vendors, realising what had happened, had come to my aid.
One Chinese man picked me up from the floor while another quickly found a stool for me to sit on. Another propped me up by supporting my body as I was still very dazed and disoriented.
I could feel the blood oozing from my forehead trickling down to my face. People around me were fussing and wiping the blood with tissue. One Chinese lady helped clean my wound then applied medication to it to try to stop the bleeding. They also put some plaster on my wound.
I was overwhelmed by this demonstration of concern by total strangers. I being Malay and they Chinese was not at all an obstacle to their feelings of compassion for me. I felt so grateful and truly appreciated that all they were concerned about was that a fellow Malaysian was in distress and they sincerely wanted to assist.
Thank you so much all the wonderful people at Pasar Chow Kit. When I am feeling better, I will make a visit there to personally thank them. [More...]
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