Sunday, November 20, 2005

Let's Talk About eGeMiNi

mail --> e-mail --> eMail
邮件 --> 电子邮件 --〉伊媚儿

gemini --> egemini --> eGeMiNi
双子 --> 虚拟双子 --> 伊双子

(1) If GeMiNi The Blogger is true
Then set the = e,
We get the blogger = eBlogger,
Also, the GeMiNi = eGeMiNi

From equation (1), we get
(1) x e --> e(GeMiNi) = e(Blogger)

Blogger is one who blogs.
GeMiNi blogs, therefore, GeMiNi is a blogger.
As human, sometimes we are lazy. So we use "e" to replace "the" in virtual world.
We prefer to "Gemini e Blogger" than "Gemini is the blogger who blogs in BLOGSPOT",

Source: http://dictionary.eGeMiNi/search?q=eGeMiNi
Courteousy by dictionary.eGeMiNi/eGeMiNi

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